2016 [Visual Design, Branding] L&K Development, Geoset Cartographic, Geoset Engineering, IBV Real


Pre potrebu dcérskych spoločností L&K Development, Geoset Cartographic, Geoset Engineering a IBV Real sme zrealizovali kompletnú zmenu vizuálnej identity. Pôvodné logá nespĺňali dobrú čitateľnosť, nemali jednotiacu farebnosť a typografiu. Tvar loga je inšpirovaný jednotlivými odvetviami firiem, pričom každé logo charakterizuje ich hlavnú pracovnú činnosť.


For the needs of the subsidiaries L&K Development, Geoset Cartographic, Geoset Engineering and IBV Real we have implemented a complete change of visual identity. The original logos did not meet good legibility, did not have a unifying color scheme and typography. The shape of the logos is inspired by the companies’ different industries, with each logo characterizing their main work activity.